chive egg pancake/burrito

Chive is such a strong flavored vegetable. It's peppery, sharp, spicy, dark green, and delicious. I don't often see it in a lot of grocery stores. The chive you normally get may be really thin with round leaves. I like the ones from Asian specialty store where the leaves are flat and blade-like. What does it taste like if you never tried it? Kind of like leek. The chive leaves and stems are much more tender as each strand is much thinner and less fiber-y. Because the leaves are so thin, it's kind of impossible to stir-fry, or blanche, or grill without the thing falling apart. What it is really good for, is as a filling. I grew up eating chive a lot, mostly in dumplings, filled with chives and eggs. Mm-mmm! 

chive pancake

I went to a local store and luckily they had chives by the bunch. these vegetables don't keep long so you want to use them up within a few days of purchasing. I initially really wanted to make chive dumplings but wasn't feeling making the dough. Though I have done a few times and am getting better at it, dough making is a bit tedious and I have to be in the mood. No problem, I have a few pitas at home and it's dough-y too, isn't it? So today I'm making fusion food: chive (from my Chinese roots) egg (awesome additions to any dish) burrito (hello, leftover pita). 

fresh chives

What you need: (for 2 portions)

- 200g of fresh chives

- 4 med size eggs

- 2 pita bread

- salt and pepper to taste

chive egg mix


- Wash the chives well, there sometimes is dirt between the leaves, so make sure you get all that or your dish might be gritty. Cut the chive horizontally finely as you can against the fiber. I don't recommend chopping or using food processer for chive, as the leaves will not withstand the harsh blades and you will end up with a pulp. Just cut as closely as you can, doesn't have to be perfect. you just don't want really long strands of it.

- beat 2 eggs in a bowl. add chive into the egg mix. add salt and pepper.

- heat up pan with 1tsp of oil, pour your egg/chive mix into the pan and turn heat to med/med-low. Let this cook for about 2-3 mins until cooked and you should get a pancake-like shape. 

- Loosen the eggy chive mixture with a spatula, put one pita bread over it. Gently press the pita onto the eggy mix in the pan with your hand. 

- while one hand holding the pita, slide the spatula under the egg pancake, and turn the entire dish in your pan so now the pita is on the pan and egg/chive pancake is on top. let this cook for another min until your pita is starting to brown.

- Take this out, let it sit. You can add some optional ingredients if you like, like sundried tomatoes, additional herbs - but I like it plain like this. This is how you can really appreciate the chive flavor and texture. I rolled it up like a burrito cuz that's easier to eat. Sorry no cross-section picture this time I ate it too fast.

That's it, how easy was that? This took literally about 15 min to make 2 of these and then we have lunch. Amazing! 

I love this dish - I get all the peppery chive flavor without a whole lot of hassle. I get loads of this vegetable which I love, eggs for protein, and no messy dough making and kneading. The pita will also add some crunch as we pan-fried it slightly. Simple, quick, yum, and using ingredients right at hand. It's also so full of flavor and texture! What else can one ask for?

chive egg burrito
