Instant noodle/Ramen/udon extraordinaire

You probably tried instant noodles, if you went away for school, lived alone by yourself, ever was/is on student loan, not living with mom, ever had to cook for yourself, travel to an Asian country, know someone from an Asian country, was feeling lazy one weeknight and only had one mouth to feed, needed a quick snack... oh the list goes on. I personally suspect, that 90 % of the world’s population tried instant noodle, aka ramen, at one point or another. As a grown up (somedays feels less so than others), I still crave the salty soupy deliciousness from time to time. As a person of Asian background, ramen noodles are literally a stable that can always be found in my pantry and will forever be the fastest, yet satisfying meal. Ready for some warm noodles with me tonight?

instant noodle

When the mister bought 2 packs of Mr Noodle spicy chicken flavored Mr noodles home last week, my excitement was so palpable, that we ended up with 4-5 different varieties the week after. This next batch are Korean, which really takes instant noodle making to the next level. The noodles are often more chewy in texture which is great so they don’t boil to a pulp, and the soup base (OH MY GAWD) are the stars of this show. You can get anything from soy paste, to spicy seafood, to tomyom, to mushroom and beef, to vegetable medley – Can’t choose? My solution: just get one of each. 

What you need:

- 1 pack of instant noodle of your choice / udon is also very good (you will be below I used it once)

- 2 cups of hot boiling water

- 1 egg

- Optional: radish, daikon (the sharp flavor is delicious in the soup)

- Optional: broccoli florets, carrots (the texture is great in the soup, these veggies won’t shrink to nothing and adds some much needed nutrients to your dish)

- Optional: fish balls, squid balls, beef balls, lunch meat, or other cooked sliced meats (you often would see ramen shops put some mix of meat as a topping, so why don’t we? Delicious and adds protein, you can put any thing on hand)

instant noodle prep

- Optional: leafy vegetables like a lettuce or spinach (this is not for you to cook it down – but almost raw. You simply pour the hot soup over it, and that remainder heat is enough to cook the leafy veggies for a nice crunch)

- Optional: seaweed strips and sheets (it’s an Asian thing – seaweed is good for you, my grandma would tell you)


- Boil the water on stovetop, add ramen noodle disk

- Add soup base as per instruction on the label, cook the noodle as per instructions. Some soup base require boiling while others are a sprinkle type, and some noodles require longer time than others. Don’t be lazy and guess it, just read the label.

- Add your egg in about 2min away from noodle being ready. Our goal is to have somewhat of a runny egg yolk but fully cooked egg white. This doesn’t take long, 2-3 min is enough, and once it’s in the soup bowl it will continue to cook with the hot soup. I like my egg cracked in and cooked/poached with the noodles soup. Some days I am do a fried egg if I feel super fancy.

If you are adding any of my “optional” item recommendations – here’s what I do:

* Fish/squid/beef balls: cook them fully and don’t skip out on time – follow the label instructions

* Radish/daikon/carrot/broccoli: these can go in the beginning, total cooking time 4-5 min

* Leafy veggies/seaweed sheets: raw

- So when you plate your food, if you want the insta pretty type: layer your noodles at the bottom of the bowl, pick up a few of each of the ingredients you added and place them atop, don’t forget the egg. Ladle soup over everything. Sprinkle sesame, sesame oil, chili flake - it's so pretty!

Hope you enjoyed my ramen making shenanigans. I know it’s not super nutritious but if you don’t have it everyday I feel you don’t need to worry. MSG is not bad for you (it's a myth!) you can read about it here: So don't be silly about it, but also don't eat an obscene amount of it please.

Instant is not so instant cuz we just fixed that issue with loads of vegetables and/or meats. So even if you are not a student, or a bachelor, or a lazy person, or whatever, you can enjoy a bowl of ramen noodle anytime.
