Homemade pancakes with mixed berries

Sun-filled winter mornings require a nice cup of joe, a good book, and pancakes to feel complete. As a salty food fiend, I tend to go for omelettes for breakfast. Pancakes are not my go-to breakfast item – it’s mostly dough and not much flavor. But as this Sunday came, and my living room was just filled with enough sunlight, I was inspired to make some pancakes, right from scratch!

homemade pancake with mixed berries

The empty Aunt Jemima box was starring back at me from the cupboard for weeks – and I finally threw it out. I know I can’t get any more of it so it’s extra difficult. While I agree the branding was outdated and wrong, it was a reflection of its time and associated with comforting pancakes. Well, no reason to cry over spilled milk, let’s make our own.

What you need:

**For pancakes**:

- 1.5 cup flour

- 3 ½ tsp baking powder

- 1 tsp salt

- 1 tbsp white sugar

- 1 ¼ cup chocolate soy milk (I used dark chocolate)

- 1 egg (room temp)

- 3 tbsp of butter (melted)

**For the mixed berry fruity sauce**:

- 1 cup Frozen mix berries (if you have fresh that’s great but frozen works just fine)

- ½ cup of water

- ¼ cup of maple syrup (or regular sugar syrup)

- 1 tsp of corn starch


- Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl (flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar). Mix well, sift a bit, just so it’s all extra fluffy.

- Add the soy milk, egg, and butter and mix it all together.

- Brush a bit of cooking oil on pan, keep temp on med-med low as you pour about 1/2 to 1/3 cup of batter to make each pancake.

- Flip the pancake about 1 min or so in, so it’s cooked on both sides evenly.

pancake in pan

- Take each pancake out, keep them on a plate, cover with pot lid so they stay warm and fluffy.

- While that’s going, get a smaller sauce pan and pour your fruit, water, and syrup in the pan. Keep that simmering for the duration when you make your pancakes, about 10-15 min or so.

- Once your pancakes are all done, mix the corn starch and a tbsp of cold water in a small bowl so it’s all melted. Add this mixture into the berry sauce. This is a bit of a secret I learned to thicken your sauce (any sauce!)

berry sauce for pancake

- Put one pancake on your plate, pour a few big spoonful of berry sauce on top and we are ready to eat!


Original recipe inspiration: all recipes, have to give them some credit for this.
thick pancake batter

I subbed the soy milk for real milk, since I don’t drink cow milk anymore. I had this nice dark chocolate soy milk so it went nicely into the pancakes. Aside from that I just have one other recommendation: thin the batter out. The consistency of this batter is quite thick, and I had a hard time “pouring” it anywhere. It was more a scoop and divide kinda deal. I also prefer my pancakes thinner – almost crepe like. Soooo you see the issue there. Never the less, this recipe produced some lovely, fluffy, satisfying pancakes –   make it and you won’t regret it.
