scrambled eggs on rye toast with hummus - breakfast for one

When home alone (cue home alone theme music), I always tend to eat whatever that's on hand, easily available. Making a whole complicated meal with washing and chopping just doesn't seem to be worth the effort. Instant noodles, anyone? Even as a grown up (some days feels less so than others), I tend to go the lazy route. This morning though, I felt more like an adult - which meant I actually made myself a nice little breakfast. This breakfast took a total of 10 min, scrambled eggs on toast with hummus was an absolute delight. 

scrambled eggs on toast with hummus

What you need:

- 2 eggs, scrambled

- 2 piece of rye bread, toasted

- 1 tbsp of hummus

- sesame seed, red chili flakes (optional)


- add a bit of oil in a pan, med head. add egg solution in the pan, move the egg around once some begin to solidify.

- keep moving the egg pieces until all is cooked into solid form. 

- spread hummus onto the toast, top with eggs on each piece. Sprinkle sesame and chili on top

- serve immediately (preferable with coffee)

scrambled eggs on toast breakfast
This was a simple and satisfying breakfast. And let me tell you, when you sit down, with your cuppa joe, this breakfast is just what you need on a sunday morning. If you are not really home alone, double the recipe. breakfast in 10 min, good enough for anybody.
