Banana chocolate cashew butter wrap

When 11am hits on Saturday, I was getting hungry. Major downfall for getting up early on weekends and eating breakfast too early. (NEVER again!) I was about to go through the cupboards for some chips.. But wait, I can do better. Looking at my over-ripen single banana is beginning to attract fruit flies, I know what I'll make. I don't have enough bananas to make a pancake or something bigger, but I have this one banana which will be great in a wrap with some awesome additions. 

Banana chocolate cashew butter wrap

I love banana + peanut butter combination. Well, banana with any nut butter is great. The sweet and nutty flavors compliment each other so well and I'm a big fan. Putting some nuts in banana bread or just spread your nut butter on the banana can be a quite and nutritious, yet filling snack. 5 min tops - or how ever fast you can spread your nut butter and peel your banana. :)

Oh wait, but I also like banana + chocolate. Banana with Nutella is also a gold combo - think of all the yummy crepes, Belgian waffles that come with this stuff. Also Nutella has "nuts" in it! Am I right? 

What to do.. do I feel like nut butter or Nutella with my banana today? Well I'm glad you asked! I'm going to do both. 

banana chocolate nut butter wrap

What you need:

- 1 tortilla wrap (I had a spinach wrap, but any wrap is fine)

- 1 banana

- Nutella

- Cashew Butter (or peanut, almond, sunflower, sesame, any nut butter)

- a handful of raw almonds (whole or chopped)

- a tsp of flax seed


- put the tortilla on a plate, spread nutella on half, and nut butter on the other half

- peel banana and put that in the middle which divides the 2 spreads

- sprinkle flax seeds, add almonds

- Rolllll and eeeaat

banana wrap

This was really simple to do, the best of both worlds because it literally has both awesome things that go with bananas. Didn't need to get your hands dirty or your pots oily. But can we please just sit back and admire this for a second please? 

Note: What stood out was the almonds. That was an ad-hoc kind of addition but in the end was the most prominent texture in the wrap. Everything else in the wrap was kind of creamy and soft. Almond added a wonderful crunch and burst of flavor to the wrap. I really enjoyed added whole nuts to this. Hope you will make this and let me know how it turned out. 
