Sir Oreo special – birthday dinner for doggo

If you don't know this already.. Sir Oreo is a little Boston terrier that lives with us. He's 6. He's my first dog and he's a pretty good side kick. 

When Oreo's birthday rolled around this year and I wanted to give him something different than his daily kibbles. So on the grocery trip I bought chicken for him, and a few extra pieces for me. Oreo was born on July 22 – in the middle of summer and bbq season. Kudos for eating kibbles all year around Mr Oreo, the tasteless pellets don’t look the greatest, and I’m not sure how he tolerates it all year round. Yes I get kibbles are probably best – the one we get promised wild salmon, elk, and some buffalo. But it’s good to change it up once a while. 

oreo's 6th birthday

This year, Oreo is getting the same thing as the past few years on his birthday: A whole boiled chicken breast. I thought about switching to salmon or something maybe, but would mercury levels be an issue though? I have to go check it out and research it before switching it.

What you need:

- 1 whole chicken breast (I took a picture of this just to show you how plain this is haha)

boiled chicken


- Boil the thing until done, takes 15 min or so. I pierce the chicken with a steak knife to make sure it’s done.

 The good thing is that Mr Oreo is not a picky boi. Flavors? None. Salt? Nil. Spice? Nada. Dogs can’t process lots of spices, especially salt. So we try to be careful what I’m feeding him. I typically never give him human food except for a piece of cheese very rarely. Oreo gets kibble and his beef liver treats on a daily basis but nothing else really. He does beg for whatever I’m eating, so I found some fruits and vegetables are safe for dogs. Have you seen dogs beg for food? How do you say no??? I can give Oreo the following: steamed broccoli florets, watermelon, strawberry, cheddar, apple, and especially loves peanut butter. I used to give him some pineapple but it seems to upset his stomach and make him throw up, so never mind.

oreo dinner

I cut the chicken breast into small bits (kind of the same size as his kibbles), and let it sit to cool down completely. Dogs don’t get the heat will burn their palate and he will try to eat the piping hot chicken until he burns his food pipe. I think he knew he was getting something special, he sat on the kitchen mat waited pretty patiently for his food haha. I’m sure also the smell of the chicken was driving him nuts. Poor guy.

Mr Oreo was a good sport who agreed to wear a birthday hat while consumed his chicken dinner. “Agreed” was more like “complied” but close enough. Happy birthday Mr Oreo, hope the chicken was delicious.
