Best bbq lobster tails, served with roasted vegetables - summer favorites

Lobster? yes lobster! Lobster makes today's meal super special and yes it absolutely was. Not for special occasions but let's be real, shouldn't everyday be a celebration? Sun is hot, summer is here, and I'm going for it. Lobsters can be hard to cook - since the meat is thick and shell is thick. You don't want it flavorless, the trick is making a thick layer of seasoning. Don't over cook these babies. And seriously, I'm not about to start cutting up a fresh whole lobster - we'll go with frozen lobster tails today. Can someone say "Mm-Mmm!"
bbq lobster with veggies

I got these lobsters off of the local supermarket at 4 bucks a tail. They are not the biggest tails but when it's on special like this I just had to get a few. Can't eat out? I make my own seafood feast at home just fine. Recently there's 9 bucks a lb live lobster special also - but something about the claw-swinging, beady-eyed crustaceans, I'm not interested at the whole version of this animal. The meat is all in the tail anyway.

What you need:
- 4 lobster tails - thaw them out in cold water in a bowl for an hour, or running cold water for 10-20 min. You don't want icicles, so the tail cooks through evenly.
- 2 cloves of garlic, minced
- 1 tbsp of butter
- 1 tbsp of olive oil
- half a lemon
- 1 tsp of grainy mustard
- 1 tsp of salt
- 2 tbsp of parsley flake (it sounds like a lot, but believe me, do it)
bbq lobster prep

- Take the tail meat out of the shell. I learned this while working in Red Lobster a thousand years ago back in highschool. It looks better, serves better, and trust, fam, tastes better. I'll leave the instruction below if you want to give it a try.
- melt butter in microwave for 20 sec, add olive oil, mustard, butter, garlic mince, salt and parsley. Mix well you should get a paste-like consistency.
- spread the parsley paste on top of the lobster meat, spread evenly.
- put the lobster tails on a baking tray, about mid heat (around 400F-420F), for 15 min. Check, maybe add another 2-3 min. You don't want to over cook these. Goal: meat is no longer translucent, meat is white and will drip off some liquid to the pan also in creamy white color.
- squeeze your lemon on top of the lobster tails. serve, (ok, take some photos for insta first), and eat!
bbq lobster with vegetables

- To remove the body meat from its shell: It's not that hard to do after a couple of practices. Let me put it into a easy 4 steps: 1) cut along the centre of the back all the way towards the end (to where the body meets the tail). 2) use your hands to open up the 2 sides a bit, it might crack a bit here and there. That's good because this loosens the meat. Just don't break pieces off 3) take the translucent tail meat, wiggle it away from the sides and little swimming appendages, you should be able to lift the meat out without much force. 4) Leave the tail flaps in, and place the meat flat atop of the shell. The shell springs back fairly easily by itself. 
vegetable prep

- I did some vegetables and potatoes as a side. If you want to make it just like I did, please read on. If you want to have it with a roll and some salad, feel free to do your own thing.
- The vegetables need longer time, about 45 min on the bbq at 400F. So I had that going first while prepped the lobsters. And then I can just push the veggies to one side and bake my lobsters right in the same tray. Easy. My veggies mix: 2 red skin potatoes, 1 small red onion, 2 carrots, 1 bell pepper. All cut to similar sizes, mix in 2 tbsp of cooking oil, salt and pepper to taste, and a tsp of rosemary. Mix the veggies well toss them in the oil and seasoning before baking. 
- One last photo: Hungry yet?
bbq lobster with vegetables plated
