Saturday lunch - Snowpea sprout tofu stir-fry and cucumber avocado salad

Inspired by last night's vegan adventure, I decided to make some vegan deliciousness myself for lunch today. A pack of snow pea sprout was easy to find in the local Asian market, and tofu is a guaranteed staple.

Snowpea sprout (pea shoot) has lots of vitamin C, Iron, and Fiber. So try getting a pack and try it with this dish.

This lunch took 15 min to prepare and you get a bit of spicy, crunch, creamy avocado, and garlicky goodness.

snowpea sprout pea shoot tofu cucumber avocado
Snowpea sprouts (pea shoot) and tofu stir fry:

- Heat up some vegetable oil, 2 cloves of chopped garlic, 5 slices of ginger sliced into strings, a scope of your favorite hot sauce in the fry pan for 30 seconds.
- throw in halved tofu balls (they soak up flavor better when halved), 1 tbsp of soysauce, 1tsp of salt and a sprinkle of black pepper, 2 tbsp of water and turn heat on medium. cook covered for 3 min. This will cook the tofu balls and flavor together so they are nicely soaked with hot sauce juice.
- rinse and throw in the snow pea sprouts in the pan and turn the heat up med high. keep the lid off and stir the sprouts around until cooked. The raw sprouts are very volumous, but cook down quite a bit - don't over cook, this takes another minute or 2 so the sprouts look a bit wilted but still bright green.
- plate and serve hot: add a sprinkle of hot pepper flake if you like it spicy!

Note: If you don't have snowpea sprouts, many other leafy vegetables can be used as alternatives. I tried this once with spinach, also delicious.

Cucumber avocado salad:
- 1 cucumber, 1 small avocado, cut in to cubes
- 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp of sesame oil, 1 tsp olive oil, sprinkle of black pepper
- 2 cloves of minced raw garlic (or use dried garlic flakes if you think the raw garlic is too strong)
- mix, plate and serve.
