
Good salads don't have to be expensive or fancy. To me good salads are fresh, not so processed, more whole grains and nuts, and ingredients look like how they were grown. Sounds simple. Today it's generally getting harder to eat clean as time goes by. How many days have I settled for canned soup or freezer quick meals? This can go on unnoticed easily but if you begin to look, it's hard to ignore. Well not today! Every little bit counts, really.

Today I hope to convince you salads are amazing, cheap and easy. I did this on the weekend because it's the only time I have for meal prep. Like everyone else working full time, I'm sick of making excuses of eating quick, but over salted, over preserved foods in the local food courtss. For the next week, I'm gonna eat my own clean pre-packed lunches.
caesar salad bioraw

The inspiration: Ok just look at this salad on the side here. A great bowl of awesomeness is what it was. Would you believe this was 6 dollars, organic, and vegan. What an amazing find! It all happened when I was doing some grocery shopping I came across this amazing row of prepared salads. Didn't think this counter was here before I'm glad I found it now! I have to admit I was a bit hungry and this just seems like a much much better option than the local fast food clown or the king - am I right? This was expiring the day when I bought it so it's 50% off - nothing wrong with having it for lunch today though! As you can see there's quite a lot of good stuff in here - amazeballs.

bioraw salad
I have to say i'm pretty impressed with the salad after getting home and eating the entire thing: it's actually a lot of food and quite filling. the coconut "bacon" were fun, not really crunchy but still delicious. Think I'll be frequenting this place quite a bit in the future. There were other selections so more reason to give everyone of them a try.

My attempts: So the one salad was great from the store but what am i going to do for lunch for the rest of the week? Good thing I planned and bought enough vegetables and fruits to make salads myself. Like i said, doesn't have to be fancy or expensive.

The following went into my 4 salads:
- 1 head of romaine lettuce - chopped
- 1 small pint of cherry tomatoes
- 1 small pint of blue berries
- 1 avocado
- 1 carrot - julienned
- 1 orange pepper - chopped
- 1 can of chickpeas (yes I was lazy here and tried to save time - I bought canned peas. If you want to soak dried peas that's probably better)

I decided against cutting cucumbers into these: from past experience the cucumbers need to be eaten freshly cut - otherwise they go bad pretty fast. One time it was slimy towards the end of the week. Gross and no thanks.

Also you only see avocado in 2 of the lunches, i'll eat those first. The other 2 I can cut an avocado into them later. Avocados go black pretty quickly - I hope they won't be black by the time I bring them to work. Someone at work shared a great trick to keep them nice oily fruits green longer: rub some olive oil over them. I was skeptical but it actually works really well! Oil to keep my avocados healthy looking and acts as dressing for my salad, why not.

The plan: take one of these boxes per day and sprinkle some nuts over it. I always have some walnuts, pecans, peanuts, and sesame at home so there won't be any problem there. Not going to do it just yet because I want to keep the nuts crunchy. Looking pretty good, right?

Jealous of my lunch for the week yet? Well don't be it took about 30 min for the entire prep of all 4 lunches. Do-able for anyone, 100%
